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Wifi Security Tips

Wifi Security Tips

Wifi security is extremely important and as many of us have ‘dead spots’ in our homes, we often use wifi repeaters/extenders to increase our wifi coverage.  The first step of course is to secure your modem by using the steps outlined here.  Once...
New Facebook Feature

New Facebook Feature

Just turned mine off.  I didn’t ask for this and they didn’t tell me. Facebook rolled out a new ‘feature’ in February.  Did you know that over the past 8 weeks Facebook has been monitoring and tracking what you do when you’re OFFLINE and...
Modem Security Tips

Modem Security Tips

Your modem is the gateway to all the devices (computers, tablets and mobile phone) in your home and needs to be secured properly.  There is a fundamental problem with almost al modems – they have a default password that anyone can find in a matter of seconds...


Firefox 70 has just come out and it’s fab.  Mozilla, the Foundation behind Firefox, is on a mission to protect people’s privacy and is beginning to look very interesting.  It’s moving the goal posts. I’ve been using firefox since the mosaic and...
whachya lookin at?

whachya lookin at?

Man fined £90 for refusing to smile for camera Just as I sat down to write about San Francisco banning surveillance cameras, I read an article about the UK fining someone £90 for having the audacity to hide his face from a camera. ‘He was acting suspiciously’. This...